The Effects of Gambling on Society

While gambling can be a form of entertainment, it can also become a problem if a person becomes overly reliant on it. When a person cannot control their urge to gamble, the results can have devastating consequences on their lives. If you are suffering from a gambling addiction, you should seek the help of a gambling counsellor. Such counsellors are free of charge and are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


The impact of gambling on society is often underestimated, but it is a very real concern. It has negative social, psychological, and physical consequences. The effects of gambling are often irreversible and often lead to depression, migraine, and distress. It can also lead to attempts at suicide. These are only some of the consequences of gambling addiction. Fortunately, there are ways to identify and treat problem gambling in a safe, effective manner. If you feel that you are struggling with a gambling addiction, you are not alone. There are a number of resources available to help.

Using the medline database, I searched for articles relating to gambling. The articles had to be published between 1966 and 2001, have been peer-reviewed, and involve human subjects. I looked for articles that discussed the effects of gambling on health and wellness and discussed screening and treatment methods for problem gambling. I was impressed by the amount of information I was able to find. I hope this article will help you decide if you or a loved one is struggling with problem gambling.