A Brief Introduction to the Internet


A Brief Introduction to the Internet

What is the Internet; who created the Internet; how does the Internet really work? How dangerous is the Internet; can the Internet be infected with viruses; what is the Dark Web; and how do we keep safe on the Internet. The answers to these questions will help you better understand how to use and benefit from the Internet. In this article I will answer the last question of the first paragraph.

The Internet is a vast network of billions of users all connecting through millions of accessible web addresses. The Internet is a global communication tool that connects people from all over the world via broadband Internet connections. The Internet is made up of millions of different sub-networks, including everywhere there is an ISP or internet service provider, which connects to the broader Internet using IP networks. Internet Protocol or IP is a system of addressing and identifying of IP networks and subnetworks and is used to allow data to be shared by the same network over a local area network or LAN.

The Internet is a worldwide collection of different networks that are connected to each other and allow people from all over the world to connect to each other at a very high bandwidth. It is a huge communication tool that allows information to be uploaded and downloaded virtually instantly from anywhere in the world where there is an available internet connection. One of the biggest advantages of the Internet is that it allows the exchange of information at high speeds and is used for research, medical and educational pursuits. The Internet is also used for online gaming and is available in many different forms from simple text chats to real time online games and is a great tool for communication.