How Does the Internet Function?


How Does the Internet Function?

Internet is a kind of technology which makes use of the World Wide Web for communication purposes. The word internet refers to this global network of internet connections, rather than the local network of personal computers. The internet consists of many interconnected networks, or virtual networks. The internet is largely used to transmit and receive data, and also to share and store information. There are many websites on the internet, all of which have become popular because of their ability to provide users with information. You can access the internet through your home computer, your cell phone, your tablet, your laptop, your wireless internet enabled printer, or even your smart phone.

A broadband internet service provider (ISP) provides you with a domain name and an IP address. With an ISP, you are assigned with a certain web address from which you can connect to the internet. The internet service provider will assign a random internet address to each device connected to the internet. Each device’s IP address will differ from the rest; this is because they are all unique. This unique address assigned to each IP address is what enables the device to connect to the internet.

An IP packet is the information which is transmitted from one computer to another. The most widely used kinds of internet protocol are the ICMP Echo Request and ICMP ping protocols. ICMP Echo Request is the method of sending information to a destination IP using an IP packet. ICMP Ping is a method of sending information to a destination IP using an IP packet. The packets have to be converted into binary format before they can be sent over the internet.