Internet, a geometric structure, which has transformed communications and monetary systems around the globe by enabling different computer networks to connect. Some Internet services include email, chat rooms, electronic bulletin board, file sharing, online gaming, web mail service, and web conferencing. Internet, a part of Information Technology, refers to technology that allows transmitting data and information over networks such as the Internet. The word “internet” itself originated from the Ethernet cable that was later used for the Internet backbone. Nowadays, even students use computers to chat and share information through online social networking sites, emailing each other, or by reading e-books, articles, and magazines over the World Wide Web.
A brief history of the internet: In the early years, the Internet was not considered as a commercial service. Later on, companies started providing their own networks, either through physical connections (Wired) or logical connections (Local Area Network (LAN), to allow clients to exchange data packets and information in real time. The evolution of the Internet did not have an impact on the commercial use of the internet services, which were available through telephone lines, radio frequencies, and postal services.
The Internet is widely used around the globe today. From corporate offices to educational institutions, people use the internet services to communicate with each other, research information, and store and share files. Today, most homes have Internet connections and, according to some studies, more than half of all Americans use the internet. Due to this popularity of the internet services, it is necessary that computer users and network administrators establish rules for the use of the network to avoid abuse of the system and to maintain the quality of service.