Internet – A Global Network

Internet, a network architecture which has transformed communication and monetary systems around the globe by enabling internet connections among various computer networks all over the world. Since its inception, the Internet has had a tremendous impact on global communication and society in general. The Internet, a form of technology, helps people exchange information instantaneously and facilitates a fast interactive process of real-time interaction. The Internet also acts as a communication and data transmission medium, with information being saved in files and categorized into different categories. The Internet is a complex system that consists of many different components like servers, networks, computers, operating systems, content management systems and browser technologies.


One of the most interesting aspects of the Internet is its social aspects, which have made it popular worldwide. Online communities have sprung up, and individuals use the Internet for socializing and conducting business, while being able to store and share files with others in these networks. Another unique aspect of the Internet is that it has enabled users to communicate through various protocols such as e-mail, IRC, newsgroups and chat rooms. In fact, many different protocols are there for one to use and enjoy the advantages of the Internet.

One of the major networks, that the Internet can be traced back to is the ARPANET, an acronym for Advanced TCP/IP network. The ARPANET was developed in Cornell University, and the University of California at San Francisco. This network served as a research platform for Internet Service Providers (ISP’s) all over the country, and later evolved into one of the major providers of the Internet in the world. Other major networks that form a part of the Internet are Verizon Internet, AT&T broadband, dial-up and DSL networks, theistani Internet and Japan’s ISDN. The Internet therefore is a global network that connects people from all around the globe with the help of internet service providers.