Tech Guide is your ultimate resource for consumer driven news and reviews on cutting edge technology products. headquartered in Silicon Valley, Tech Guide offers the most recent news and insights on today’s hot topics impacting technology at home, in the workplace, and across the board. Started in 1997 by a then-Yahoo! Technology Manager, Tech Guide has quickly grown to one of the world’s leading sources of information on technologies and services related to technology products.
The primary aim of Tech Guide (and its sister sites, such as Smart Tech) is to provide cutting edge, but thorough information to its readers. This is accomplished through a number of different techniques, including regular updates from a team of professional researchers, regular articles on popular technologies, and periodic newsletters from noted authority Steve Jobs. In addition, many articles are written by industry experts with firsthand experience or access to industry research and data. As well as publishing industry articles, the site also publishes several free “how to” articles and video tutorials, providing both detailed information and demonstrations on cutting edge technology products. Although not formally published by Apple or any other major company, the content is freely available for download from the tech guide website.
Although no longer posting daily, Tech Guide offers frequent articles on new products, such as the newly released Blue tooth maverages from Avaya. Avaya’s new Blue tooth maverages, as part of their Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service, enable users to make phone calls from computers equipped with the new proprietary software, called Blue tooth Maverages. Although it is still not available to everyone in Europe, the service is starting to spread to Asia and Latin America, where broadband Internet is beginning to become more common. As well as articles and videos, the site features several helpful links, which include a frequently asked question section, help/support areas, the Tech Guide forums (which are great places to get answers to FAQs), and an online tech blog. For an additional feature that is unique to Tech Guide, they offer a directory of some of the leading enterprise VoIP service providers. Although technically not part of their product portfolio, the directory includes services provided by Avaya, Novell, and others.