Tech Guide Podcast – Podcasting Your Way to Success

Tech Guide is an online resource dedicated to providing the latest information on cutting-edge technology and related topics. Based in San Francisco, California, Tech Guide offers unbiased information on emerging technologies and the companies behind them. A great many publications are published by Tech Guide including webinars and course packs. Many organizations have been using the services of Tech Guide for training their employees on new technology. Some notable clients include the American Society of Information Technology Managers, Cisco, Dental Technology Association and Hewlett Packard.

Tech Guide

With over thirty years experience, tech guide makes it easy to keep abreast of emerging technology trends and applications. The website includes a collection of articles on various topics, including advanced application areas, business news and information, healthcare, networking, personal technology, personal computing, security, mobile computing, social media, voice/video, and technology news. In addition, the site features a number of popular articles such as “Ducks,” “Droid Wars,” “The Five Biggest surprises of 2021,” “Wii Fit,” and “Tech Guide: Wired.” Other interesting topics include how to keep up with the hottest trends in gadgets such as the iPod, Blackberry, iPad, iPhone and HP pavilion.

The following is part of the ongoing Tech Guide podcast – Q&A – episode #2: “Tech Support for Tech Guide subscribers.” Hosts Jack Canfield and Amy Waterman give their takes on everything from email marketing to wireless phones. Topics include how to track your audience, what makes a good sales pitch and whether using YouTube is smart. They also cover tech questions from listeners including what to do if you lose your keys, what to pack in your laptop in case of a luggage disaster and what you should do if you are a bad computer hacker. They conclude their discussion by answering the question, “What do you have left to learn?”